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{ Monthly Archives } February 2007

Snow! Baseball! I’m confused!

Our first big snowstorm of the year finally arrived yesterday. Apparently, February is our least snowiest month?  I’m pretty sure that’s what Paul Douglas said yesterday, but they don’t keep archives of his sage wisdom over at the Star Tribune. I love getting out to shovel the snow after a big storm. I take an […]

Fox Attacks Obama

Okay, sorry. 1 more political post for this weekend. When will the outrage on Fox News begin in the mainstream? Anytime I’m in a public place that has a TV tuned to Fox News, I change it. Tags: obama, foxnews Powered by Qumana

The Real McCain

I know we’re still nearly 2 years out, so I’m going to try not to burn out here, but this video is quite good. Tags: mccain


We got a Wii on Sunday. There is not much more I can say about it that hasn’t been said elsewhere. It is clear to me that they have designed a system that gathers people together to play, instead of isolating people in separate worlds. Case in point, we just received a message that there […]