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{ Monthly Archives } May 2003

Answers from the weekend

Well almost a whole week has passed since my last gripping update, and I bet one or two people are wondering how it all went… Overall it was a very nice weekend, although too short. I wish I could’ve spent a week or two hanging out with my lady and my puppy. And to answer […]

Memorial Day!

Well, I’m off on a little road trip for the weekend, up to the northwoods of Wisconsin. It should be a good time, but sadly my lady can’t make it on account of her working schedule. The weekend will provide answers to a few questions though: Will the ice be off the lake? Will I […]

Free Bobby Kielty!

The Twins have been on a roll recently, taking two of three from the Oakland A’s. They now head to Seattle for a 3 game series against the Mariners. This stretch of the season will prove to be a huge test for the Twins. The previous three games with the A’s, three with Seattle, back […]

Another Excellent Matrix Article

The Matrix way of knowledge From the Gnostic gospels to the visions of Descartes to the shamanic quests of Eastern mystics, the Wachowski brothers’ pop opus weaves a dense web of philosophical and metaphysical allusions. You’ll have to watch a Salon Premium advert before you can read… choose the day pass option on the lower […]

How to contact your Representatives

Contact your representatives Write your Senators Thanks dad for telling me about those contact pages!

Letter to my representative and senators

I sent this today. I urge you to do the same. It is in regards to this story from Reuters. Dear Sir, I am seriously concerned, and frankly, appalled with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield’s push for research into low-yield nuclear weapons. As the lone superpower on the planet, we should be helping the world […]

Matrix Reloaded

Only after actually seeing the movie are you allowed to read this, (no cheating, this covers the whole thing! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!) This is the most well-researched analysis I’ve found yet of Reloaded. Please feel free to let me know if you agree/disagree or just want to chat about it. I’m always […]