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{ Monthly Archives } December 2017

The Last Ice Palace

Was just discussing with Doug how if you’ve lived in Minneapolis for the past 40 years, you believe climate change is happening. Saint Paul’s lakes will never freeze thickly and quickly again. People will never harvest blocks of ice, never again build a fantastic palace of frozen water. A tradition that’s as old as anything […]

Our kids

This land is your land, this land is my land… President Donald Trump sharply reduced the size of two national monuments in Utah on Monday by some two million acres, the largest rollback of federal land protection in the nation’s history. Source: Trump Slashes Size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Monuments – The New […]

This is why I don’t blog anymore

This article leaves out the “debate” about net neutrality, but the core thesis applies. Republicans are not making policy for the good of the country, (not to mention the world at large). They are governing for the rich and lying to everyone else. Quite simply, Republican politicians need campaign donations from oil companies and other big […]