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{ Monthly Archives } October 2013

Stop Watching Us Rally

Billed by organizers as "the largest rally yet to protest mass surveillance", Stop Watching Us was sponsored by an unusually broad coalition of left- and right-wing groups, including everything from the American Civil Liberties Union, the Green Party, Color of Change and Daily Kos to the Libertarian Party, FreedomWorks and Young Americans for Liberty. via […]

The Wes Anderson Collection

Sounds like a great book: The Wes Anderson Collection by Matt Zoller Seitz There is a video collection to go with the book. If you love Wes Anderson movies, you’ll love these video essays. Here is the first, on Bottle Rocket: THE WES ANDERSON COLLECTION CHAPTER 1: BOTTLE ROCKET from on Vimeo.

Russell Brand on Revolution

I have never voted. Like most people I am utterly disenchanted by politics. Like most people I regard politicians as frauds and liars and the current political system as nothing more than a bureaucratic means for furthering the augmentation and advantages of economic elites. Billy Connolly said: “Don’t vote, it encourages them,” and, “The desire […]

NSA Chief on a Train

The amazing thing about this – besides the lack of precaution in speaking in public on a train – is that someone from the NSA calls up Heyden to let him know someone is listening in on his conversation! Yikes. Former Spy Chief Overheard Giving Off-The-Record Interview from Acela Train The episode came to a […]

photomelissa: Looking west with the sun. I would love to move to NYC. I miss the bagels and the Pizza. What would I do with my Red Sox obsession?