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iTunes 11

iTunes 11 is out! Not following my own advice against waiting a day to install new software, I went right ahead and installed it. I like it. The interface is intuitive. There are a few places where I was expecting something to happen as I hovered my mouse over an object, and I realized it’s […]

iTunes 9

given how much this blog was originally about apple stuff, it is funny how little I post about all things Mac these days. but, I wanted to give a little shout-out to iTunes, which received a major version upgrade last week. i would certainly recommended updating to this version when you have the chance. the […]

iTunes Smart Playlist of the Day

I’ve been really getting into my smart playlists lately, and I figured I’d share some of the joy. Today’s smart playlist is: Morning of Quality Rating is between 3 and 5 stars Update!! Last Played is not in the last 1 Day (Gives you a new list all the time) Limted to 4 hours Selected […]