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the apple (store) experience

I used to loathe going to the apple store. I feel as though I know one or two things about technology, and I felt the apple store employees were unwilling to acknowledge that and treat me like an advanced user. Recently I’ve noticed a change, the last few experiences were very pleasant. I’m not sure […]

iTunes 9

given how much this blog was originally about apple stuff, it is funny how little I post about all things Mac these days. but, I wanted to give a little shout-out to iTunes, which received a major version upgrade last week. i would certainly recommended updating to this version when you have the chance. the […]

why didn’t I get an iPhone?

“I’ve reached a point where I can no longer just sit back and watch this. The iPhone ecosystem is toxic, and I can’t participate any more until it is fixed. As people have told me so many times: It’s Apple’s ballgame, and Apple gets to make the rules, and if I don’t like it, I […]

Classilla: Building a Secure Web Browser for Mac OS 9 and the Classic Macintosh OS

Classilla: Building a Secure Web Browser for Mac OS 9 and the Classic Macintosh OS I know I’m a total nerd, but I love this stuff…

Macintosh on Intel

Apple announced today what once seemed impossible. They are transitioning the Macintosh to Intel processors. For all the news and hype this will generate, for the people who matter, the users, it is basically a non-issue. Apple has the engineering prowess to pull this off, as they have in the past with similar changes. The […]

MacWorld SF 2005

I’d be forsaking my identity as an Apple -fanatic if I didn’t give my dedicated readers a quick update on the new products from Apple… Mac mini – It has been shot down by the budget department for the near term, but I hope to someday get one of these to add to my home […]

Shameless Plug for Apple Products

Forget the U2 iPod Special Edition. I need the iPod Photo.