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{ Monthly Archives } May 2012

Ayrton Senna’s heel-and-toe braking

By the way, Senna is a great movie that you should watch. Here is a video of Formula One great Ayrton Senna demonstrating the techique in a Honda NSX. You’ll note he’s wearing a button-down shirt, dress pants, Italian loafers, and no helmet while burying the speedometer on his way around the track. (Via

Oil Sands in Alberta

One of the things about our globalized world is that the realities of economic activities are not close to the places of consumption. It’s clear to me that if we simply had more information about the costs of our actions, more people would be concerned about nature. This series of photographs from the oil sands […]

Betting on AppleTV

After selling our first-generation AppleTV a while back, I purchased the new 3rd gen 1080p version a couple months ago. We love it, and it is working great with the whole ecosystem. There are holes, however, in the content. Obviously Apple has a TV, Movie and Music store that they do not want to cannabalize, […]

sucky broadband

I’ve blogged before about my internet options and linked to charts showing that Americans pay more money for less bandwidth than just about every other developed nation in the world. Lawrence Lessig makes this point (among others) in this speech at WiscNet Future Technology Conference. The larger context of this speech is the corrupting influence […]

iOS 5.1.1 upgrade

Interesting to me that I have not received the push notification that the update was even available, and I hadn’t taken the time invoke it manually… → iOS 5.1.1 upgrade stats ” David Smith’s iOS version stats from his apps: The data for 4 days shows a clear and very consistent progression. Users are updating […]


In one sense, Patagonia’s current success stems from classic business-school principles. The brand has maximized what B-school types refer to as WTP, or willingness to pay. Patagonia’s perceived quality and do-gooder aura convince customers that its goods are worth a higher price. Guilty as charged… Read more: Patagonia’s Founder is America’s Most Unlikely Business Guru – […]

adam yauch RIP

The Beastie Boys are one of the bands that I grew up with, and learning that Adam Yauch had passed away was more surreal than I expected. They bring back otherwise meaningless memories from my past that otherwise would have faded away. I haven’t listened to them regularly for a long time, but like a […]