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{ Monthly Archives } March 2009

Obama Depressed, Distant Since Battlestar Galactica Series Finale | The Onion – Americas Finest News Source

According to sources in the White House, President Barack Obama has been uncharacteristically distant and withdrawn ever since last months two-hour series finale of Battlestar Galactica. via Obama Depressed, Distant Since Battlestar Galactica Series Finale | The Onion – Americas Finest News Source. Classic!

New Tires

I’m waiting at Dunn Brothers while my new tires get installed at the Southwest Firestone. I purchased the Bridgestone Ecopia EP100s for my Golf… after not really too much research 🙂 They are a brand-new tire developed (marketed) as a “green” option for tires. Since the Golf gets very good mileage, I thought, why not […]

A Modest Proposal – Bikers, Take the High Road –

The Brooklyn Bridge is an important front in the bike publicity war; it is a place where bikes are losing. via A Modest Proposal – Bikers, Take the High Road – Great article about biking in the city. And regarding the brooklyn bridge, I witnessed a number of near misses and one intentional shoulder-check […]

High-speed train from Chicago: Next stop, Minneapolis?

With $8 billion in the federal stimulus package devoted to high-speed rail projects, supporters of the long-planned high-speed train from Chicago to St. Paul are scrambling to prepare a proposal strong enough to grab some of that money. via High-speed train from Chicago: Next stop, Minneapolis?. It wasn’t clear to me if this was “High-Speed” […]

bridge to nowhere

I’m just listening to the latest U2 album. I like U2, but… I’ve just determined my least favorite rock song structure. The Bridge. Show me a good bridge, and I’ll show you ten others that leave you groaning. Why? Why? Why? Who’s thinking that it is a good idea?

Grad school?

Graduate school forces you to overinvest: It’s too high risk. via Don’t try to dodge the recession with grad school | Penelope Trunk’s Brazen Careerist. This was an interesting article to read as I occaisionally entertain the thought…


Readability is a simple tool that makes reading on the Web more enjoyable… Sold! Readability – An Arc90 Lab Experiment.