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random thoughts of the day

i think facial hair is coming back. 90% of the men in the meeting this morning had some sort of beard/mustache/etc thing going. i found the tape adapter for my car. hello iPod. mpr, I love you, but you’re bringing me down. with the iPod re-hooked up, i heard aimee mann, gnarls barkley, aphex twin, […]

MacWorld SF 2005

I’d be forsaking my identity as an Apple -fanatic if I didn’t give my dedicated readers a quick update on the new products from Apple… Mac mini – It has been shot down by the budget department for the near term, but I hope to someday get one of these to add to my home […]

Shameless Plug for Apple Products

Forget the U2 iPod Special Edition. I need the iPod Photo.


I wonder how this device will compare to the iTrip, for which I wrote a quick review. It’s called the PodFreq from Sonnet. It appears to have a few things going for it that iTrip and other FM transmitters don’t have. An external antenna. External Controls for the frequency I don’t actually have a 3rd […]