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{ Monthly Archives } March 2004

Killing me Softly with Chipotle

Well, back a couple months ago, I was happily blogging away about the new chipotle that had opened. The week prior to the official opening, they had been giving away free burritos while training in their staff. One day in particular, I went there for both lunch and dinner for free burritos! Well, I’ve also […]

Down with Clear Channel

I think I’ve made this plea before… if you read one article that I’ve posted read this one… and this time it’s true as well. Read this article. The Clear Channel Controversy, One Year On (Why Howard Stern’s Woes Are Your Woes, Too) – Maureen Farrell at And so, bit by bit, the country […]

Entry #300

This is my 300th post on this website. To mark the event. Two excellent articles from Slate. (Andrea, these are for you! — “I can’t believe you haven’t posted anything on Dick Clarke yet!”) Dick Clarke Is Telling the Truth Bush’s Catastrophic allergy to Clinton

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

U.S. Decision On Iraq Has Puzzling Past ( Five years ago, the Dec. 1 issue of the Weekly Standard, a conservative magazine, headlined its cover with a bold directive: “Saddam Must Go: A How-to Guide.” Two of the articles were written by current administration officials, including the lead one, by Zalmay M. Khalilzad, now special […]

Spring Is Here

The birds are chirping, the sun is out. Spring is here. It’s supposed to almost hit 60 degrees this week! Time for two of my spring rituals. Cleaning up petrified dog poo, and giving the cars a much need bath.


The match day results are in. We are moving to Minneapolis! It’s going to be a busy summer. . .

Match Day

Today is the big day!