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{ Monthly Archives } December 2004


Privatize Social Security? I can tell you who is happy about that idea: See That Line at the Ferrari Dealer?

Tsunami Relief

Want to do something? List of places to donate. [] How to help [] Doctors Without Borders accepts donations through the net with your credit card. As do a few others on the above lists. Update: 2004/12/29 Donate to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund on

Some Thoughts on Telecommunications Technologies

Hello Friends and Family, Do not be alarmed if you call our cell phones and get our home answering machine or my work voice mail… you are not crazy, you called the correct number… It’s just that I discovered how to utilize the call forwarding feature on my cell phone, so we are going to […]

Diesel Market Share In Europe

The market share in Europe of diesel-powered passenger vehicles reached a new high this year. More than 50% of new passenger vehicles registered in were diesels. This compares with (i’m guessing here) about 2% of American vehicles being diesels. This change will come to America as well, but the holdup is manufacturers waiting for the […]

Top 5 Movies of the Year

Napoleon Dynamite Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Hero The Incredibles Garden State Best Older Movie Seen For the First Time: Rushmore

Top 10 Albums of the Year

Here it is, my favorite albums of the year: Funeral – The Arcade Fire A Ghost Is Born – Wilco Good News For People Who Love Bad News – Modest Mouse The Grey Album – Jay-Z + DJ Danger Mouse Med??lla – Bj??rk Franz Ferdinand – Franz Ferdinand Antics – Interpol Boy In Da Corner […]

Bumper Sticker at Lunch

Seen on a (seemingly homemade) bumper sticker over lunch: “Bring it on, Iran!” Uhh, yikes! (sorry, no photo… it drove away too quickly)