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{ Monthly Archives } February 2005

Numa Numa

Here’s some more on everyone’s favorite lip-sync’er, Here, then, is the cautionary tale of Gary Brolsma, 19, amateur videographer and guy from New Jersey, who made the grave mistake of placing on the Internet a brief clip of himself dancing along to a Romanian pop song. Internet Fame Is Cruel Mistress for a Dancer of […]

Quick Random Links

A few links I’ve stolen in the past couple days: Bacontarian I say ‚Äúmy favorite bacon‚Äù with some reservation. It‚Äôs the best bacon that I‚Äôve eaten yet. I hope and trust in the LARD that I haven‚Äôt eaten my favorite bacon yet, and that the LARD will bestow upon me many bacons to come, each […]

Spring Training

Pitchers and Catchers reported on Sunday, an event that always turns my attention towards spring. Good thing we got 4 inches of snow yesterday. It does look nice and wintry outside now, a snowy blanket covering everything. But I know in the back of my mind that there are Pitchers and Catchers warming up, tossing […]


The Kyoto standard went into effect today, and we are not a part of it. In an editorial today in the Star Tribune, it is argued that Minnesota is close to being at the standard, and that to continue Minnesota’s legacy as a green-er state, we should aspire to the Kyoto protocol, even if the […]

Derailing Amtrak

Excellent article from the Boston Globe that was reprinted at Common Dreams. Derailing Amtrak Does this seem right to you? Bush’s budget proposal includes $35 billion for highways, $14 billion for airports, and no operating subsidies for Amtrak. Or this? Other countries long ago boarded the express. Even Bush’s fellow Republicans can see that. In […]

Amtrak’s Future

Dear Amtrak Co-workers: Earlier today, President Bush sent to Congress his proposed budget for FY ‚Äô06. It provides no funding for Amtrak. In contrast, this year we are spending $1.4 billion, of which $1.2 billion is from a federal appropriation to support our operations and capital programs across the country. The President‚Äôs proposal does provide […]

The Catchiest (Romanian) Pop Song Ever

Okay, I need to post a link to this (swf) video. Thanks to Joey for sending it to me… Some dude lip-syncing to Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone Joey: Want to see something funny? Me: Yes. Joey: (sends link) Me: That is hilarious, and the song is awesome! Joey: I think it is popular in […]