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{ Monthly Archives } January 2005

KCMP Launch

KCMP launched yesterday at 9am and with high hopes for this new station, I have to say, I’ve thouroughly enjoyed the first few hours I’ve been able to listen to. Have a look for yourself at their recent playlist, and you will surely see some of the music I have tried to push on my […]

John Mayer

Does anyone get the feeling that John Mayer is a better musician than his albums would make it seem? Record labels, let the man be free!

Seen While Driving

What is this… Texas? As far as I could tell, they were glued to the hood.

MacWorld SF 2005

I’d be forsaking my identity as an Apple -fanatic if I didn’t give my dedicated readers a quick update on the new products from Apple… Mac mini – It has been shot down by the budget department for the near term, but I hope to someday get one of these to add to my home […]

Call Forwarding = Racket

Okay, remember how I was all excited to find that call forwarding feature on my phone? Eric N. said “Make sure they aren’t charging you.” I called them up to make sure that, yes, it would not cost additional money, just minutes on my plan. Got my bill for the last month today. Nice $43.15 […]