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{ Monthly Archives } November 2012

Why Powerball Is A Terrible Way For States To Raise Money

Ok, I’ll admit it. I bought some PowerBall tickets. I did not win. At the lunch table we were discussing whether or not the lottery was an economic stimulus of sorts. This post sheds a little light on to that topic… Why Powerball Is A Terrible Way For States To Raise Money “About 35 percent […]

iTunes 11

iTunes 11 is out! Not following my own advice against waiting a day to install new software, I went right ahead and installed it. I like it. The interface is intuitive. There are a few places where I was expecting something to happen as I hovered my mouse over an object, and I realized it’s […]

Portables and Magic Trackpad: Jumpy or erratic trackpad operation

My “magic” trackpad has been weird for the past week or so… Portables and Magic Trackpad: Jumpy or erratic trackpad operation “If you have sweaty hands or if moisture collects on the pad, this may also confuse the trackpad. Wiping off the trackpad with a cloth or tissue usually fixes this issue.” Yep.. that seems […]

Living at Home

Starting with some sick kids last Friday, we’ve spent way more time than usual in the house. As result, everything is out on the floor. Every large appliance is running. All of the dishes (except those in the dishwasher) are dirty. We’re starting to get a little stir-crazy. Time to go out for a walk.

Old Computer Booting Up

This is pretty amazing. Can you imagine what everyone was thinking the first time this thing booted up? According to Wired, this is the oldest working digital computer in existence.

May the force be with you

I’m cautiously optimistic that the new Star Wars will be awesome.

Controlling your words

We need to use the Internet itself as social media. Then you won’t have to worry about Facebook putting their finger on the scale.: “Last night I was watching football on one of the big networks. It was a boring game so my mind drifted. I noticed that when they show the name of someone […]