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{ Monthly Archives } July 2005


Many juvenile crimes ‚Äî such as the carjacking that is so central to “Grand Theft Auto” ‚Äî are conventionally described as “thrill-seeking” crimes. Isn’t it possible that kids no longer need real-world environments to get those thrills, now that the games simulate them so vividly? The national carjacking rate has dropped substantially since “Grand Theft […]


There aren’t many summer foods better than Bratwurst, in my opinion. Well, heck, there aren’t many foods better, all year round. Summertime is the season though. With that, I give you: Bratwurst, Wisconsin’s Soul Food maybe you’re wondering about this seemingly random post? I was about to grill some brats and wanted to get them […]

Nu clear

Sorry, I know I’m on a bit of a tangent with the administration right now. But if I could provide one little example of how warped the people leading our country are: Perhaps you heard that the Prime Minister of India was in town to discuss freedom and democracy? It says right here at the […]

Commence Backtracking

Oh wait, I see, you meant any criminals…. not someone involved, who is a criminal, but actual people that are convicted of crimes. Because, I guess, if you had to fire anyone involved in criminal activity, you’d probably have to fire half the administration. A Sidestep and a Backtrack Is Rove a Criminal?

Rove Isn’t the Real Outrage

Perfectly Stated: Rove Isn’t the Real Outrage Washington is electrified with the abundant energy of buzz from a scandal — speculation about Rove, about Bush, about Cheney’s aide, Scooter Libby. Who leaked? Who may have lied? How did Novak slip the noose? But the real scandal is the ongoing mess in Iraq, the murder just […]

Sunday Reading

A little Sunday reading for everyone: If It’s a Muslim Problem, It Needs a Muslim Solution it is essential that the Muslim world wake up to the fact that it has a jihadist death cult in its midst. If it does not fight that death cult, that cancer, within its own body politic, it is […]

Cancer Research

It’s jeans day at work today. We don’t have jeans day just for nothing, though, we have it for cancer research. You pay five dollars, wear a sticker, and you get to wear jeans today and feel oh so casual. Its funny to see a bunch of people who you associate with nice clothing wearing […]