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2008 – Music

2008 was a slow year for me in terms of music. Not bad in any way, just a bit slower. I settled in on a few albums and didn’t really go outside my box too much. Here are a few of my favorites (I included some links to amazon if you’d like to pick them […]

The best films of 2008 according to Ebert

In these hard times, you deserve two “best films” lists for the price of one. It is therefore with joy that I list the 20 best films of 2008, in alphabetical order. I am violating the age-old custom that film critics announce the year’s 10 best films, but after years of such lists, I’ve had […]

Slumdog Millionaire

Last night we saw Slumdog Millionaire. It was a soaring and moving experience. We sat down in the crowded theater, and we watched the previews as my mind did the reality-detachment dance. However, when the opening frame flashed upon the screen with text that read, Mumbai 2006, my heart skipped a couple beats as I […]