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{ Monthly Archives } July 2007

Trip Update

We’re now in Paris! The week in Spain flew by, with beautiful, sunny and hot days spent in Madrid and then on the southern coast. The internet connections were spotty, so no chances to upload any pictures last week (I’ll get to that in a second, check the flickr). One of the highlights of the […]

In sweden

well, so much for blogging our adventures on a regular basis- we’ve just had too much to do! everything is going great though and once we get to spain I should be able to upload a few photos from the trip so far. We’re currently in the town of nynäshamn in the southern archipelago of […]

American Breakfast

We’re all packed, ready for the flight out. We had one last good American breakfast. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, hash browns. The grease is oozing out of my pores. I’ll never forget the time Bert and I went camping with the Swedes in the arctic circle. We were told to pack food for the trip, and […]