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{ Monthly Archives } July 2011

Free beats

This just blows my mind. So awesome. Free beats: “Chris Sullivan set up in Union Square and beatboxed so that anyone who wanted to could come up and rap: (Via

Bike Fixtation is a cyclists dream vending machine

Sonja told me about this the other day, but I didn’t realize that there was only one in the whole country! Anyway, pretty cool and another reason why minneapolis is such a great bike town! Emilia and I did all of our errands via bike + bike trailer yesterday. Hardware store, veggie pick-up, lunch. Bike […]

on social networking

I watched the TED talk “Beware The Filter Bubble” by Eli Pariser recently. His basic premise is that with all of the algorithmic filtering and recommending that is happening on the internet, your online world is being narrowed in a way that prevents you from learning about alternative views and ideas. He makes a very […]