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{ Monthly Archives } June 2006

Crosstown Commons

Now that the Crosstown Commons / 35W project has run in to some bumper-to-bumper traffic, might it be possible to come back to the drawing board and create a true solution for the future? Including, most importantly, dedicated light rail right down the middle. No one can deny the great success of the Hiawatha line. […]

Psapp, Juana Molina and José González

We saw a wonderful concert last night at the Cedar Cultural Center, Psapp, Juana Molina and José González. This was my first time at seeing a concert at the Cedar, and I was quite impressed. I am one who enjoys the slightly slower speed of sitting down on a chair, and listening to a concert […]

Broken Collarbone

So I was on my bike a week ago… If you noticed the picture of my bike that is currently on the right, you may have also noticed that the fork is bent back at an unnatural angle. Let’s use that bent fork as a metaphor for my collarbone. The doctor tells me it will […]