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{ Monthly Archives } July 2006

Reliable Power Sources

Hey Xcel! Do you think we could go one windless, light-to-moderate thunderstorm without losing power? I need to look into a UPS for my cable modem, router and Airport.

An Inconvenient Truth

We saw An Inconvenient Truth on Monday night. It was pretty startling. Lots of good info. There were three things that really stuck out. The first was the CO2 levels for the past 600,000 years. Shown is a graph, with the rising and falling levels. They dramatically hide the last 50 years, and as it […]

Human Powered Lawn Mowing

I have come into the possession of a human powered lawn mower. By that I mean, one of the lawn mowers where there is no engine, just you, pushing. I have wanted one for a while, and serendipitously, Josh had one at his house. I took it home and fired it right up, so to […]

Unwinding from the Big Trip

I’m back home in Mpls after my trip out to San Diego for two conferences. My couch has never felt so comfortable! The second conference I attended was the iSummit conference held by the Coalition of Lighthouse Schools. This was the second time I have attended iSummit, and it was again a great conference. Part […]

a few final necc thoughts

This being my first time at a large, education and technology conference, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Honestly, I expected a lot of superfluous crap on the vendor floor, and I got that. It was disheartening to see scores of people milling around presentations for little clicker devices, rigid software, and tablet PCs […]


I love stories like this: “You come here and it’s like, ‘Where do I park? Is it five blocks down a side street, or what?’ “ Yes, you’ll have to walk! It’s part of the plan. Once you find that really great parking spot for your car, for the love of pete, don’t move it. […]

NECC 2006

I am feeling the swell of information and excitement today after a series of great sessions. The keynote speech today was given by Nicholas Negroponte, creator of the one laptop per child initiative. It was very exciting sitting in the audience and hearing him describe the transformative power of placing this tool to connect with […]