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{ Monthly Archives } July 2008

reading and the internet

northern wisconsin provides excellent opportunities for unplugging from the internet, resting and relaxing. even though, the internet is only a few houses away. high speed internet is spreading it’s tentacles wide and far, so that even outside of minocqua, wisconsin, on a small lake, high speed is available. i drove from my parent’s cabin to […]

agreeing with republicans

after a long and heated discussion about politics and the economy with my uncle and grandpa last night, which ended with my grandpa saying “we’re still buddies, right?” (“yes, of course we are!”, I replied), I’ve found something I agree with republicans on. john culberson, republican representative of texas is waging a battle over the […]

three cups of tea

I just finished reading “Three Cups of Tea” by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. I started reading the book earlier this year, but couldn’t find the time to finish it up during the second semester of the school year. As it turns out, it was one of the picks for our summer reading for […]

reading list for the week

Books I’m hoping to read this week: Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin Wikinomics by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams Little Brother by Cory Doctorow The World Without Us by Alan Weisman

ski bench

we’re planning to make a bench out of old skis. preparations started this evening with the removal of the bindings: we’ll see how things go this week.


minnesota monthly just named their top 18 burgers in the state. i want to try them all. it’s on my list of todos. since they haven’t heard of the internet yet though, they haven’t posted the top 10 online. here’s a hint: they pick Matt’s  number 1. have you been to Matt’s? waaaayyy too many […]

what’s wrong with peace, love and connectedness

i’m trying to come up with a grand unified theory on social networking. i signed up for friendfeed on a whim the other day, after coming to the realization that using google reader was not designed to keep track of your friends on the 27 different services they use. poking around on friendfeed, i started […]