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{ Monthly Archives } June 2009

raise the gas tax

No fluke: new survey finds $4 gas is the tipping point: “The survey found that if gas were to shoot to over $4 a gallon again, 40 percent of car shoppers would ‘consider purchasing a new fuel-efficient car right away.’ About the same amount, 41 percent, said that $4 gas would make them choose a […]

Mountaintop Removal

A Plea To President Obama: End Mountaintop Coal Mining by James Hansen: “Mountaintop removal, which provides a mere 7 percent of the nation’s coal, is done by clear-cutting forests, blowing the tops off of mountains, and then dumping the debris into streambeds — an undeniably catastrophic way of mining. This technique has buried more than […]

In Poll, Wide Support for Government-Run Health –

Americans overwhelmingly support substantial changes to the health care system and are strongly behind one of the most contentious proposals Congress is considering, a government-run insurance plan to compete with private insurers, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. via In Poll, Wide Support for Government-Run Health – BOOM! Make it happen!

out of control

This article is essential reading if you are interested in the future of health care in this country. Our country’s health care is by far the most expensive in the world. In Washington, the aim of health-care reform is not just to extend medical coverage to everybody but also to bring costs under control. Spending […]

head, meet sand

a young woman stopped by before dinner with a clipboard. we have many clipboard people in our neighborhood. she was from Take Action MN. I listened to her pitch, and as soon as I heard “ensure a public option”, I got out the checkbook. along with cable, internet, and cell phones, health care is the […]


great article about the california high-speed rail project in the new york times magazine over the weekend: Getting Up to Speed it’s going to require a political will that is practically unheard of… I can’t even imagine all of the backyards they’re going to have to criss-cross to make it work. Apart from the breathtaking […]

photo of the day (week/month)

we had a great weekend in chicago!