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{ Monthly Archives } May 2010

inter beats bayern munich

In the first Champions League final televised by a U.S. over-the-air network, Inter followed its semifinal victory over Barcelona with another solid performance. It was a great game, can’t wait for the world cup to begin. I let Emilia watch some of the game with me, and she was yelling “Kick!” “Goal!” “Big kick!” and […]

uefa champions league final today in madrid

wait, what? It’s on broadcast television! 1:45pm CDT today on FOX

World Cup

I’m so excited for the world cup!

A Moment in Time

The title of this project “A Moment in Time” is interesting given that one could spend an entire day browsing the photographs. Fascinating!

America’s Best Biking City

I had a great feeling of civic pride watching the video found here: Minneapolis named America’s best city for biking My favorite day of the entire year this year was our bike to school day a few weeks ago. All the bike racks were full and we rode in with a bike group of kids […]

Great Quote

“Money is like gasoline during a road trip, you don’t want to run out of gas on your trip, but you’re not doing a tour of gas stations. You have to pay attention to money, but it shouldn’t be about the money.” –Tim O’Reilly profiled in magazine (Via