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{ Monthly Archives } November 2008

scary bunny

sonja + baby, maddy, aj, scary bunny., originally uploaded by mattlogelin. so nice to have a really freaky bunny in our neighborhood.

Best Of 2008: Most Popular Top 10’s of 2008

take a gander at 20 of the most popular Top 10’s that have published in 2008 so far. via Best Of 2008: Most Popular Top 10’s of 2008. I love Top 10 lists for some reason… here’s a meta-top 20

Slumdog Millionaire

Last night we saw Slumdog Millionaire. It was a soaring and moving experience. We sat down in the crowded theater, and we watched the previews as my mind did the reality-detachment dance. However, when the opening frame flashed upon the screen with text that read, Mumbai 2006, my heart skipped a couple beats as I […]

More light-rail tidbits

St. Louis Park, Hopkins, Minnetonka and Eden Prairie all are making plans for new housing and businesses to take root around light-rail stations that have already been sited in their towns. From Four Suburbs are Betting Big on Light Rail Great news – but again, it would be a lot better to be planning and […]

video calling

wow, this is apropos: Grandma’s on the Computer Screen That they were a thousand miles apart, their weekly visit unfolding over computer screens in their respective homes, did not faze either one. Like many other grandchildren and grandparents who live far apart, Alex and Joe Geosits, 69, have become fluent in the ways of the […]

transfer underway…

ok. i’ve gone ahead with the transferring of my domain and host. we’ll see how this goes.

contemplating a host switch

i’ve been thinking about switching internet hosts, but it’s quite an ordeal. i think i have a pretty good handle on getting the files transferred, dumping the databases to sql files and reimporting, etc. but the real problem is mail. how do I efficiently move a bunch of mail accounts from one host to another? […]