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{ Monthly Archives } April 2003

Get Your Water Straight From the Tap.

None of this britta-filtered crap! Today we bring you some independent, first hand journalism: Back In Iraq 2.0: Epilogue: A Question of Truth But thatís nothing compared to what the Iraqi people have had to go through, and what theyíre facing. To a certain degree, the same goes for the people of America who, it […]

The Ranch

Yet more savvy diplomacy from our boy Bushie: “I doubt he’ll be coming to the ranch any time soon,” was Mr Bush’s tart comment in an interview with NBC News, when asked about Jacques Chirac ñ a reference to the informal summits Mr Bush likes to hold with favoured foreign leaders at his cherished retreat […]

Bogey – 500 miles on a tank

I almost hit 500 miles on one tank of fuel today, the final tally was 497.6 miles on 12.75 gallons of diesel. That works out to be about 39 mpg. I still can’t consistently break 40 mpg (really not all that bad). I’m pretty sure that the umm, poor, mileage is because the majority of […]

More on AppleMusic

I’ve downloaded and given iTunes 4 a bit of a test. So far it looks pretty nice. The integration of the music store is pretty awesome, and the interface seems to be slightly refined. I haven’t had a chance to play with any of the sharing features yet, but we’ll give that a shot in […]


Wow, wow, wow!


I’ve just ordered what possibly is the coolest iPod accessory. I had been waiting patiently to order it since the product was announced in January at Macworld. The iTrip . I currently own an iRock, but the iTrip is a far more elegant solution: It lets you tune to any station on the dial. It […]

Mmmm…. Sugar.

I’ll be very interested to see how this story develops. This the exact same crap the industries in the U.S. try to pull all the time. (Steel Tarriffs? The whole Tobacco Industry in general.) The industry is furious at the guidelines, which say that sugar should account for no more than 10% of a healthy […]