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great article about the california high-speed rail project in the new york times magazine over the weekend: Getting Up to Speed it’s going to require a political will that is practically unheard of… I can’t even imagine all of the backyards they’re going to have to criss-cross to make it work. Apart from the breathtaking […]

Bullet Train

To sell his vision of a high-speed train network to the American public, President Barack Obama this week cited Spain, a country most people dont associate with futuristic bullet trains. via Spains Bullet Train Changes Nation — and Fast – Great article about the progress Spain has made with regards to rail travel. This […]


I filled up my vehicle with BioDiesel Fuel today. A blend probably, since it’s still liable to snow at any time around here. I haven’t filled up since February 22. I drove 550, mostly city, miles. I pumped just under 14 gallons. (40 mpg) The cost per gallon was $3.94. We need to raise the […]