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{ Monthly Archives } September 2012

The Ryan Budget

Easily the most wonky, policy oriented blog post you’ll read this week. If you want to understand the budgets proposed by Ryan and Obama, it’s important to read. And I’m not saying that spending shouldn’t be reduced… The Ryan Sinkhole –  “Function 920 represents a category called ‘allowances’ that captures the budgetary effects of […]

You gotta keep ’em separated

Offspring, anyone? Segregated bike lanes the way of the future “A main theme that emerged was the need for cities to create a network of separated bicycle lanes, said Jamie Stuckless, an active transportation planner who works with Green Communities Canada in Ottawa. ‘The first one that I heard repeated over and over again was […]

Feelings on the RNC

Maybe the RNC was just what Obama’s campaign needed… There were a number of “are you kidding me?!?!?” moments during the republican convention. In particular for me was when Romney made a sanctimonious and sarcastic joke about the oceans rising. Just goes to show you exactly how some Republicans feel about the environment. (or at […]