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{ Monthly Archives } October 2012

Drill baby, drill?

I have a new favorite blog… The failure of Drill Baby, Drill “U.S. oil production is on track to hit its highest level since 1993. What has that done to gas prices for consumers? Virtually nothing. Yet again, analysts are pointing out the obvious: even with massive increases in domestic oil drilling, the impact on […]

Protesting an Anti-Bullying Program

WWJD? Seeing a Homosexual Agenda, Christian Group Protests an Anti-Bullying Program – “But this year, the American Family Association, a conservative evangelical group, has called the project ‘a nationwide push to promote the homosexual lifestyle in public schools’ and is urging parents to keep their children home from school on Oct. 30, the day […]

The Lifestyles Of The Poor And Uninsured

The Lifestyles Of The Poor And Uninsured: “But what stuck in my craw is that Romney insists on housing these sickly, imagined uninsured people in apartments. I think it’s safe to say Romney isn’t much of an apartment guy. But though it’s probably accurate that homeowners are less likely to be uninsured than renters, it […]

The right-wing echo chamber

This should blow your mind…

On Libya, Biden Let Ryan Get Away with Murder (Smith)

What really happened in Libya? On Libya, Biden Let Ryan Get Away with Murder (Smith): “Even more stunning were the events of September 22. In a pre-planned protest, the citizens of Benghazi marched 30,000 strong, calling for Islamist militias to be disbanded and incorporated into the national army. Some of the protesters carried banners memorializing […]

Fact-checking the vice presidential debate

PolitiFact | Fact-checking the vice presidential debate: “Ryan, in his closing statement, said Obama ‘made his choices,’ including ‘a government takeover of health care.’ The phrase is simply not true. ‘Government takeover’ conjures a European approach where the government owns the hospitals and the doctors are public employees. But Obama’s health care law relies largely […]

The 6 Studies Paul Ryan Cited Prove Mitt Romney’s Tax Plan Is Impossible – Matthew O’Brien – The Atlantic

The 6 Studies Paul Ryan Cited Prove Mitt Romney’s Tax Plan Is Impossible – Matthew O’Brien – The Atlantic: “In other words, Romney’s plan only works if you assume he has a different plan or use a magic growth asterisk. And that means we have no idea what he would do if he wins. Does […]