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Hey everyone, Welcome to my mostly dormant blog that I’ve kept running, in one form or another, for a long time. I might even go so far as to say it’s been an internet lifetime since I started this thing. Feel free to explore. You’ll find silly poems about my dog, my thoughts on climate […]


The Green New Deal aims to get us there—and remake the country in the process. It promises to give every American a job in that new economy: installing solar panels, retrofitting coastal  infrastructure, manufacturing electric vehicles. In the 1960s, the U.S. pointed the full power of its military-technological industry at going to the moon. Ocasio-Cortez […]

Video: Naomi Klein Interviews Bernie Sanders on Climate Change

THE BOLD MORAL leadership of newly elected members of Congress like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has me feeling more optimistic about our collective chances of averting climate breakdown than I have in years. Source: Video: Naomi Klein Interviews Bernie Sanders on Climate Change Worthwhile video – we have 12 years…

This is terrifying

The Insect Apocalypse When his parents took him driving, he remembered, the car’s windshield was frequently so smeared with insect carcasses that you almost couldn’t see through it. But all that seemed distant now. He couldn’t recall the last time he needed to wash bugs from his windshield.

Screen Time

Good article today in the NYT about screen time and kids. No hard research, but the gut feeling of a number of people in tech that we all need to dial it back when it come to screen time. This idea that Silicon Valley parents are wary about tech is not new. The godfathers of […]

Being a leader in electric cars

Did you see the headline that stated GM was calling for a national electric vehicle program. Sounds great, right? Unfortunately, when the details are reviewed, it’s not as forward thinking as you might hope. Proposing what you already expect to happen as binding policy is not visionary. Several other countries, including major markets in Europe […]

Digital vs. analog

We do not face a simple choice of digital or analog. That is the false logic of the binary code that computers are programmed with, which ignores the complexity of life in the real world. Instead, we are faced with a decision of how to strike the right balance between the two. If we keep […]