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Puppy Class

Yes, it’s again that time of the week. Puppy class. I’ll have a full report tonight or tomorrow… I’m contemplating taking the camera along for some action shots…

It will be interesting to see how Yeti reacts since she will now be one of the larger dogs there. She has been on the whole better in recent weeks, but I jinxed myself by mentioning to Sonja that she hadn’t chewed through any of the furniture yet. And whatddya know? Later that night, a quiet grinding noise caught my attention, and I raced up the stairs to find a puppy, some sawdust and chips, and a slightly injured kitchen chair. “Ha! That’ll teach us to neglect me!” Yeti says under her puppy-breath. I seem to remember another puppy from my life doing the exact same thing…

Anyways, ReplayTV is ready to go, scrubs and friends are all set! Puppies here we go!